Messages of Support to Russian Peace Activists

Several thousand people in the United States have signed a statement in solidarity with Russians protesting war and military conscription. Many have added their own comments on the website.

The statement reads:

While governments make propaganda, pursuing their own horrific wars while denouncing the wars of governments they don’t like, people all over the world want peace and oppose the cruelty of war. Seeing news of antiwar demonstrations by courageous people in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and elsewhere in Russia, we here in the United States express our warm solidarity with those protests. The terrible destruction being inflicted in Ukraine by Russia’s armed forces is as abhorrent as the terrible destruction inflicted in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries in the deceptive name of the “war on terror” by the armed forces of the United States. We denounce all such killing, no matter what the nationality of the military forces -- and we pledge to rededicate ourselves to nonviolently resisting the militarism of the U.S. government.

Here's a short sampling of the comments people have appended:

You are courageous heroes in my eyes, you set a good example for many of us. Most Americans want the war to end between Russia and Ukraine.

• Spasiba, Russkie friends!

• It's not just here, in America, that we appreciate the danger you face and the bravery you're showing to protest the war on the Ukraine, it's the entire world! How can we thank you enough for what you're doing about saving Russians and the world from dying at Putin's will?

• Thank you for putting yourself in jeopardy. The next generation will thank you.

• Thank you to all the extremely courageous anti-war protesters in the USSR. The USA MUST STOP its militarism as well.

• We need to stop the war . . . already too much has been destroyed — it seems that sending the weapons keeps fueling the war; let's stop that and commit to negotiations for peace. Thank you.

• We know how much your antiwar activism can cost you and your families. Thank you for your bravery and commitment. In love and solidarity.

• We are with you against war. Across international borders, the common people want peace! Stay strong and I hope our government and Europe provides open arms to those who have to flee.

• Thank you heroes for doing the right thing! We must seek peace, or the world will be lost. Thank you for your courage.

• We the people .... ALL of us... must reach hands out to each other in peace. Then, we can build a new world for coming generations. Thank you for your courage.


RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, the late Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.

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