20,000 insist Paris tragedy not be exploited for more war

For Immediate Release, November 16, 2015

More than 20,000 people have already signed a petition opposing efforts to "promote more war" in response to the massacres in Paris. Many of them have added eloquent comments available on the petition site at:

The petition, which launched on Sunday afternoon, reads:

"We want to express our condolences to all people who are suffering and mourning the results of organized deadly violence, from Paris and Beirut to Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. Humanity is indivisible. We reject any attempt by political leaders to exploit tragic events to promote more war."

"People from around the world have written thousands of comments on the petition," said RootsAction.org cofounder Norman Solomon. "The emotional connections with victims and mourners of the Paris massacres are intense. So are the fervent desires to prevent this awful tragedy from being exploited as propaganda for more war."

"This is a time of shock and fear," reads the RootsAction website, "but also can be a time of reflection and action."

"It is remarkable," added RootsAction.org campaign coordinator David Swanson, "that it takes one incident of the sort that NATO militaries routinely impose on others, to create an outpouring of sympathy for the victims of organized violence. Can we take this opportunity to spread that sympathy much farther?"

RootsAction.org is an online initiative dedicated to galvanizing Americans who are committed to economic fairness, equal rights, civil liberties, environmental protection -- and defunding endless wars.RootsAction is endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen Rowley, Frances Fox Piven, and many others.


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